How can we order online? for the most part we are not currently taking orders online. However,
if your in dire need of something (or you live somewhere in the Shelbyville, Indiana area) send us an e-mail and we'll try
to work something out as soon as possible.
Where will you be traveling next?/Will you be near my hometown? As of right now we have not yet
filled out our traveling schedule, so if you have an event in or around your hometown that you want us to be at, just send
us the details to our E-Mail adress
I found a page that sells items cheaper, so why should i buy from you? well to behonest, although
i'm sure SOMEWHERE in the world they have cheaper items, we are much cheaper than most and have good quality
items, but if you can find something better at a cheaper price....thats awesome too.
How can you afford to sell everything so cheap? is it cheaply made? No, it's not cheaply made.
We just buy all of our things at wholesale prices and sell them to you.
Are you currently hirring? Yes, i'd say so. If you have any skills you think that we could
use or if you have time to travel, send us a message via E-Mail and we'll see what we can do. All aplicants must be
18 +
What kind of events should i be looking for to have you come to my hometown? Well, we typically
go to Rennisance Faires and Church gatherings, but we sometimes will be seen at State Fairs, County Fairs, or just about anywhere
else that will have us.